Source code for fsc.hdf5_io._save_load

Defines free functions to serialize / deserialize bands-inspect objects to HDF5.

from functools import singledispatch, lru_cache

import h5py
from fsc.export import export

from ._subscribe import SERIALIZE_MAPPING, TYPE_TAG_KEY

__all__ = ['save', 'load']

def _get_entrypoint_mapping(group):
    Helper function to get the entry point mapping corresponding to a
    given group name
    import pkg_resources
    return { ep for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group=group)}

def _try_loading_parts(*, identifier, entry_point_mapping):
    Helper function to load an entrypoint corresponding to the given
    identifier. If an exact match for the identifier is not found, the
    colon-separated "parent identifiers" will be checked.

    For example, for an entry point named 'nobody.expects.the',
    it will check 'nobody.expects.the', 'nobody.expects', 'nobody', in
    that order.

    :param identifier: The identifier for which an entrypoint is to be loaded.
    :type identifier: str

    :param entry_point_mapping: A mapping between entrypoint names and the entrypoints themselves.
    :type entry_point_mapping: dict

    :returns: The name of the entry point that was loaded (if any), or False.
    split_identifier = identifier.split('.')
    for partial_identifier_length in range(len(split_identifier), 0, -1):
        partial_identifier = '.'.join(
        if partial_identifier in entry_point_mapping:
            return partial_identifier
    return False

[docs]@export def from_hdf5(hdf5_handle): """ Deserializes the given HDF5 handle into an object. :param hdf5_handle: HDF5 location where the serialized object is stored. :type hdf5_handle: :py:class:`h5py.File<File>` or :py:class:`h5py.Group<Group>`. """ try: type_tag = hdf5_handle[TYPE_TAG_KEY][()] except KeyError as err: raise ValueError( "HDF5 object '{}' cannot be de-serialized: No type information given." .format( ) from err try: obj_class = SERIALIZE_MAPPING[type_tag] except KeyError as err: partial_tag = _try_loading_parts( identifier=type_tag, entry_point_mapping=_get_entrypoint_mapping('fsc.hdf5_io.load') ) if not partial_tag: raise KeyError( "Unknown {} '{}'. The module defining this class has not been imported, and no matching entry point was found." .format(TYPE_TAG_KEY, type_tag) ) from err try: obj_class = SERIALIZE_MAPPING[type_tag] except KeyError as err2: raise KeyError( "Unknown {} '{}'. The module defining this class has not been imported, even after loading entry point {}." .format(TYPE_TAG_KEY, type_tag, partial_tag) ) from err2 return obj_class.from_hdf5(hdf5_handle)
[docs]@export def to_hdf5(obj, hdf5_handle): """ Serializes a given object to HDF5 format. :param obj: Object to serialize. :param hdf5_handle: HDF5 location where the serialized object gets stored. :type hdf5_handle: :py:class:`h5py.File<File>` or :py:class:`h5py.Group<Group>`. """ if hasattr(obj, 'to_hdf5'): obj.to_hdf5(hdf5_handle) else: try: to_hdf5_singledispatch(obj, hdf5_handle) except SerializerNotFound: objtype = type(obj) objmodule = objtype.__module__ if objmodule is None: fullname = objtype.__qualname__ else: fullname = objmodule + '.' + objtype.__qualname__ if not _try_loading_parts( identifier=fullname, entry_point_mapping=_get_entrypoint_mapping( '' ) ): raise TypeError( "Cannot serialize object of type '{}', and no corresponding entry point found." .format(fullname) ) to_hdf5_singledispatch(obj, hdf5_handle)
class SerializerNotFound(TypeError): """ Error to raise when the singledispatch for serializing an object to HDF5 format fails to find a matching function. """ @export @singledispatch def to_hdf5_singledispatch(obj, hdf5_handle): """ Singledispatch function which is called to serialize and object when it does not have a ``to_hdf5`` method. :param obj: Object to serialize. :param hdf5_handle: HDF5 location where the serialized object gets stored. :type hdf5_handle: :py:class:`h5py.File<File>` or :py:class:`h5py.Group<Group>`. """ raise SerializerNotFound( "Cannot serialize object '{}' of type '{}'".format(obj, type(obj)) )
[docs]@export def from_hdf5_file(hdf5_file): """ Loads the object from a file in HDF5 format. :param hdf5_file: Path of the file. :type hdf5_file: str """ with h5py.File(hdf5_file, 'r') as f: return from_hdf5(f)
load = from_hdf5_file # pylint: disable=invalid-name load.__doc__ = """Alias for :func:`from_hdf5_file`."""
[docs]@export def to_hdf5_file(obj, hdf5_file): """ Saves the object to a file, in HDF5 format. :param obj: The object to be saved. :param hdf5_file: Path of the file. :type hdf5_file: str """ with h5py.File(hdf5_file, 'w') as f: to_hdf5(obj, f)
save = to_hdf5_file # pylint: disable=invalid-name save.__doc__ = """Alias for :func:`to_hdf5_file`."""